Monday, December 15, 2008

Zoo Lights....And Some of Our Own

We have a family tradition of going to Zoo Lights with Auntie Christine and Uncle Jake. I know it is a tradition now because it is the second year in a row!

This year Matt and Addie got to come along too. Last year they were SO tiny that they had to stay home - but they got to stay with Gram & Papa - so they didn't miss out on too much.

Matt was NOT a fan of the crowds. It was SO busy. We had to wait about 15 minutes just to leave the zoo. I thought we were waiting in line to go on some cool ride - but NOPE - just to get out the exit! It was still a ton of fun. Mom read the paper thing to me and it said that they use over 250 MILLION lights. That is a lot of lights. And, the zoo is becoming very responsible... they are switching to LED lights which use less energy AND they use solar power that is stored from the day time.

Here's spunky Addie... she did better with the crowds but would have been happier if they would just let her down to run and play.

Here's Auntie Chris and Uncle Jake. I think that we have been to zoo lights with them ever since Uncle Jake came around! I knew he was a keeper last year!

Mommy & Sissy.

Mommy & Moo.

All the lights at the zoo inspired dad and I to get going on our own light display. It was REALLY cold out when we were working. Dad let me help with all the bushes.

Some times the rocks are more fun than decorating with lights but I managed to stay pretty focused. Dad needed the help I'm sure.

All the lights got everyone in the mood for "Ho Ho" to come. Here is Addie sporting his hat.

Moose is tooooo cool for the "Ho Ho" hat.

That night we went out to check out our lights and dad had a surprise for me in our backyard! He decorated one of my new Christmas trees AND we have two reindeer. One of them is eating the rocks which makes me laugh cuz mom always says not to put rocks in our mouth. The big one with the horns is Rudolph... he has a red nose. The one who is eating the rocks is Holly.

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