Wednesday, May 13, 2009


After a LONG day in Canton - we were more than ready to take a bath and relax in our new digs for the week... Belle Belle let us use her room ALL week! Well, actually we took up her room AND Libby's new big girl room that she isn't really in yet. It was really nice of Belle Belle to give up her room all week for us! It would have been so hard for me to trust other people with my toys and favorite things.

The Egglets watched a movie on mom's computer while oldest of the cousins took a bath together.
DISCLAIMER: The rest of this story is a little graphic. Names and ages may have been changed to protect the innocent.

So, here we are, relaxing and playing in a nice warm bath. We were having fun and the girls were minding their own business...

Dad was filming us being silly and Aunt Whit was laughing at us... when all of a sudden SOMEONE pooped in the tub! I am NOT kidding - there it was - not one but TWO logs floating in the tub! Dad was SO embarrassed and shocked and stopped filming before he could show the evidence... oh well, looks like I will have to earn a scholarship for college another way.
Sorry guys, I noticed that for the rest of the trip you didn't bathe with me...

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1 comment:

Little House in the Desert said...

LOL!!!! that is SO funny! That happened to us once too! 2 Thanksgivings ago my 2 yr old neice was here visiting and she pooped in the tub! Her mom and her came all the way from Michigan--so after reading your post I'm thinkin' maybe there is just something about traveling that makes the little ones need to poop in the tub! So funny!

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