Monday, March 9, 2009

Wild Life Zoo

Yup! Another zoo trip! The weather has been so nice here that we have been enjoying every minute of it. The Wild Life zoo is really close to us AND they have some new additions. So, dad skipped golf this weekend and took us to the zoo!

They have three new aquarium buildings... It was SO cool. There were tons of fishies and lots of strange looking things that live in the ocean. Mom says that is why she enjoys the water from a boat or the beach...what a scaredy cat!

Sissy was pretty excited about all the "ish" too...

Matty Moo wasn't so sure that he liked the dark.

Once we got outside - we got to see all the other animals... at this zoo you can get really close! These porcupines were so cool I had to get a closer look.

Yup! Those spikes look really sharp!

Sometimes to get the best view - a guy has to look under the railing instead of over it. Mom thought it was cute until she almost stepped on a scorpion... from then on out - she would not let me get on the ground!

Mom got a little personal with a zebra - he was SO close. I had to remind her NOT to pet the animals!

I got SO close to a giraffe! Mom let it lick her hands! I made her use Purel BEFORE she shared a cookie with me! Did you know that a giraffe has a really, really long tongue and it is really slimey?

These funny pink birds stand on one leg! And they kinda honk instead of cheep.

I tried to stand on one leg like they did - but it was so tiring. I don't know how they do it!

When we first got to the zoo Dad asked me what we were going to see and I told him puppies! Mom and Dad laughed... but here they are! African Wild puppies! Look who is laughing now!

Dad helped out when the crowds were hard to see through... I knew something cool must have been on the other side of the fence and I wanted to see for myself.

Ohhhh a Kitty! He was so cute - just bathing in the sun.

We topped off the the day with a ride on the "Ferris wheel". Mom says it is a carousel- whatever. It was SUPER fast but Dad did great - he wasn't even scared.

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