Well, the weather has finally gotten a little chill in the air - it's all the way down to the high 80's which means Fall is finally here AND it's time for a pumpkin patch! Mom thought she'd get a group shot of us before we left... (and yes, those are cheetah print shoes with a striped outfit. And yes, that WAS a small issue between Sissy and mom ... guess we don't have to tell you who won this battle!)

And we thought that was pretty funny!

Addie's expression says it all... we get SO sick and tired of her and that camera!

I decided to help wrestle Matty and Addie into a good pose so that we could get off our front steps and to the farm... mom wasn't too impressed with the dual choke hold...

As soon as we got there - Moose spotted the pumpkin he wanted and almost didn't even want to check out the rest of the farm.

We finally got him INSIDE the farm - only to discover so many cool things.... like this slide,

And this sweet little horse...

And the entrance to a really cool REAL FULL SIZED maze!

They had a sign that said it takes 45 minutes to compete... and small print that said the "mini" maze was to the right.... Mom started for the "sissy" maze - but we took off in the REAL one!

Wait a minute - didn't we already take this turn? No worries, I will lead the way.

Uh, mom - do YOU know where we are? These stalks were SOOOOO tall we couldn't even see if we were headed in the right direction or not. BUT, about 50 mins after we started - we found our way out. I bet if dad had been with us - we would have made it out in record time. Next year we'll have to make dad ditch work for the pumpkin farm!

And, just like last year - they had the corn kernel pit... always a favorite! Sissy even said she was making a "corn castle!"

I was having so much fun I even flashed mom my heart melting grin... usually I only save this for Kathy Cole (which by the way - you will get to see some NEW pics VERY soon!)

Sissy spotted (hee hee... spotted - get it?) some HUGE tractor tires to play in. We had LOTS of fun making mom go crazy by hiding in them... and not coming out when she called us. It's good for her - she's getting up there - so we have to keep her on her toes!

Don't panic mom... I am right here!

It started to get pretty warm - so we stopped for a water break before hitting the train!

We should have known by this face that Matty Moo was starting to get a little nervous about the train ride while we waited in line.

I was more concerned by the 100's of kids who were in line in front of us! There were tons of school field trips there and they all wanted to ride the train at the same time as us!

The anticipation was almost too much!

FINALLY! Mom made me ride with sissy cuz she's so little... but that's ok cuz she's my bestest friend in the WHOLE world.

Doesn't Matty look like a pro? Yah, well this is the LAST photo of the day because as soon as the train started - Matty decided to FREAK out! He was so scared he stood up to jump out. Mom jumped and caught him JUST in time... Sissy decided mid trip that she did NOT like the train.... she cried for most of the ride. Which meant mom had not one but two 3 year olds who were hot, tired and out of sorts... About 1/2 way back to the swagger wagon - I got tired too and the 3 of us sat down in the parking lot and cried. (clarification - it was Addie, Matt and I crying... not mom although she started laughing that weird kinda crazy laugh that signals she's about to lose it!) It was a GREAT time and mom survived! A total success in my book!

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