Saturday, September 25, 2010

Noah's Soccer Debut (by Guest Author... Matty Moo)

Hey.... It's Matty Moo... the sports reporter for Egglet Sports! My BIG brother started soccer and today was his very first game! Be sure to watch for #17! That's him!

Of course mom had to start the EARLY morning off with a lame photo shoot... we were so excited to go see Noah that it was pretty much pointless!

Addie and I were a little jealous that we don't get to play and that he got really cool shirts with his number on them... so mom let us pick out numbers for our shirts too! So, game one and he already has a fan club!

Here's Coach Adams giving the team the run down. I really don't know what he tells them - it's a top secret TEAM ONLY meeting.... whatever he said must have been pretty cool cuz just prior to this - Noah decided he was NOT going to take the field OR play today!

They play four on four - so Noah had to sit out the first rotation... but soon he was substituted into the game!

It's kinda confusing to know which goal is who's... not only for us on the sidelines but for the teams as well. Both teams scored points in their goal AND on the others...

He had to make sure we were watching! And boy were we! We had quite the cheering section for Noah Boy!

Here's one of the (few) times Noah made contact with the ball.... But, it was a good one!

I don't know how he did it.... he just ran and ran and ran and ran and ran!

Here he is going in from a water break to get the next pointers on what move to play next.

Since they kept getting confused the coach made sure that they knew which goal they were going for! Looks like they all got it!

There he goes again!

Man, he sure does look like the professional soccer player doesn't he?

Here's Noah hanging with the guys from the other team in their net! Let's hope he was showing good sportsmanship!

At the end - the parents of the other team made a tunnel for both teams to run through.

It looked like so much fun that sissy just had to do it too!

She wishes that she could play on a team this year too! Well, this is Matty Moo, reporting for Egglet Sports... stay tuned for more soccer news to come this Fall!

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