Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sunday BBQ

Most of you probably know that my dad is a drummer in TWO church bands... Journey - the night church - had a BBQ for everyone. My dad and his band got to play outside while the rest of us ate, played in the grass and hung out with friends.

This is Brad - he is the singer and a ton of fun to hang out with!

These plastic cups were PERFECT for digging in the dirt and covering my cars!

Sometimes I would loose track of where I hid one of my cars - but I found all of them before we left.

Some of the big kids played football but I am still too little to play with them. Luke tossed me the ball a couple of times to make me feel a part of the fun!

Addie LOVES Jeff! I wonder if Jeff's soon to be wife minds...

We had a great time at the BBQ and were a little sad when it was all over... dad said they would have another one soon!

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