Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pooping Corner

Sissy is going to be so mad that I am telling you all of this - but I need to have some things on file for when she starts dating... I am SURE if I pull out these pictures and tell this story - it should scare off a few guys!
Here's sissy on a mission... she has something specific in mind!

Yup! When duty calls - it really calls!

Whenever sissy needs to go take care of business - she always goes to this corner and gets to work! If Matty and I try to bug her - she gets really mad and pushes us away!

Mom teases me that she is going to put Addie on the potty one of these times to see if she will go on the big potty... I just got used to sharing all my toys - I am not sure that I am ready to share the sticker chart too!

When she's all finished - she goes to mom and grabs her hand and walks her to where we keep the diapers... before you know it - the evidence of the bio-hazard is gone and she is back playing!
Sorry sissy - but there are pictures of me in the tub - I'll get Matty one day too!

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