Man, I wish every month was December - there is so much to do! I made my first ever gingerbread house! It was soooo cool. Mom put the house together with me before my nap - we had to wait for the icing to dry before we could decorate it! I was SO excited to get up from my nap to finish my house.

As you can see - I caught the hang of it. Mom says that she is going to stock up on houses because it kept me quiet and busy for almost an hour and a half... I thought that was just RUDE of her to say! I caught on quick... place and...


place and...


Here it is ALL DONE! And, mom did not place ANY of the stuff on my house - I did it all myself - even the line of skittles... (she handed them to me though and I like to do red then "geen" red then "geen"). We had SO much fun and Daisy liked to lick up all the sprinkles I dropped on the floor. The vacuum got what she missed. Well, I am off to bed - it is a late night for us Egglets... we picked up our Nana and went to see the Community Joy Lights. It was SO cool. You don't even get out of your car. All the money they make goes to buy food for people who don't have any. I hope they get to buy a gingerbread house and make one too!
Oh yah! Thanks Nana for the gingerbread house kit... it was SO fun!

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